How to Donate to Us

..... and Why you Should

Live Music at Fatfest Fundraiser October 2022

How We Do It

Our main fund raising event is an annual 'Day of Lawlessness' that is usually held in March. Each year, we aim to raise as much money as possible to allow us to make a significant difference to a number of young people's lives.

Whilst the Committee works hard to find ways of raising money for the benefit of others, their task would be almost impossible without the generosity and kindness of so many people not directly connected with the charity. Over the years individuals, companies and sports clubs have made notable contributions to our fund raising efforts. We extend our sincere gratitude to those who have helped us in the past and look forward to continued support in the future.

If you run a business that can donate a service or item, or maybe you own a holiday home, a super car, a debenture seat or something equally special (or desirable), we would love to hear from you if you are able to donate an experience, service or the like to our charity auction.

We've had donations ranging from a week in a Spanish villa and a Hercules flight simulator experience through to chiropractic sessions, beauty treatments and private fishing licences.

The Reason's Why

The main thrust of the charity is geared towards the purchase of Christmas gifts for children who are suffering with cancer and leukaemia. However, donations have also been made to Oncology Units and Hospices throughout the UK.

Additionally we have made donations directly to cancer-related charities such as C.A.L.M, C.L.I.C and Macmillan Nurses.

We believe, and have seen for ourselves, that such a gesture at a special time of year can have an elevating effect on a child, regardless of how ill they may be at that particular time.

The charity is run by a committee of volunteers who are unpaid. This means our overheads are low and almost 100% of all monies raise goes directly to what it was raised for. There are no salaries to fund, or office premises to maintain.

We try to keep the process of making a request very simple and don’t believe in bureaucratic processes.

The fund-raising events and general running of the Charity are time consuming, and often laborious, but the sight of delight on a child’s face when they eventually receive the benefits of the work carried out, make it more than worthwhile.

Our Philosophy

NO OVERHEADS ..........